If you've found your way to this page then something has resonated with you. I've been where you are! - Exhausted, Stressed, Anxious, Foggy brained, Burned out, On edge, Scattered, Chronically Busy, Chaotic, Forgetful ,alone and afraid drowning in a constant state of panic and overwhelm, barely hanging on.
I simply call it - Frazzled.
You've tried, I know you have! For a while it worked and you were so proud of yourself. You felt powerful and significant - like Superwoman. BUT you crashed. The energy it took was too much. Being "on" and in that heightened state isn't sustainable. Then, the inevitable question surfaces "HOW am I ever going to be who I want to be, do what I want to do, or have what I want to have?
I am your HOW.
Together we co-create the space that you need to solidify the vision you have for your future. You will find balance between energy in and energy out. You will learn how to put yourself at the top of your priority list without feeling guilty AND while still doing the things that life requires (we all have those things!). You will look fear in the face and be able to stand in your power knowing your are becoming who you were meant to be. It isn't always possible to take the Frazzle out of your life so why not embrace it?
Discover , peace, discover strength , discover you! You've got this!
I'm excited to share in your journey back to you.
Until then,
Take care of you!
All Blog Titles
The Importance of Letting Go
Control, The System and Choice
Laying The Foundation of Self Care
All Rights Reserved | Deanna Riedke